Switchable Panel: GliGli / Sequential Circuits
The GliGli firmware (versions 2.0 and 2.1RC3) re-designated the original "Mixer" and "Glide" of the Prophet 600 knobs to control the volumes of oscillators A and B separately. This has the disadvantage that the glide amount needed to go into the - not very user friendly - parameter menu. On the other hand with the GliGli layout, one could (over-)drive both oscillator A and B amps. Personally, I also appreciate the clarity of controlling the two volumes with the two knobs, conveniently positioned next the oscillator sections. There are obviously good reasons for either choice of layout.
Now, I have had requests from several users that the original Sequential Circuits layout be brought back. I even had one collector who said he refused the GliGli upgrade because he didn't like the fact the panel control descriptions don't match the control function. And he has a point - not many people got hold of a synth graphics panel overlay to match the GliGli upgrade and it may feel somewhat improvised or plain wrong. Again, a matter of taste and aesthetics. Plus: a shame if that fantastic firmware fails to reach users for that reason.
So I thought about how to make both sides happy and I decided to make the panel layout switchable. While the GliGli layout offers a glide amount parameter in the menu, the new SCI layout has a "Drive" parameter which - together with the "Mixer" - allows users to cover the entire oscillator A and B volume range which the GliGli firmware offers. You can change the layout on the fly.
Hope you find this interesting. Stay tuned for more previews on the new revised firmware upgrade.
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