Ready to go: firmware v2022 + patch collection

The v2022 firmware is completed and ready for download! There is even a collection of 100 patches compiled from dedicated contributions of Prophet-600 users (and myself) and including some selected Z80 patches.

Share your opinion on the firmware and the patches here. I will provide some means of structured feedback in the next months to collect your experience out in the field. Then there is also the list of great feature ideas on the backlog which need user prioritization. So if you want to stay informed or even get involved please watch this space or follow my blog.


  1. Hello, I have just received and installed my gligli mod on my old and trusted P600 with v 2022. What a fantastic difference it makes. It is truly amazing! What an improvement!! It solves the main problems and adds so many new fantastic things. I believe it makes the P600 the best vintage polyphonic analogue synth around with the memory moog. Thank you so much for all the hard work.
    I have noticed a strange things on my implementation, the LFO clock sync shows the off, key, and 1 ,2, 3 ,4 ,5 6 but not the 8...?? Also I think it would be really great if the LFO could be synched to MIDI (with out using the sequencers) both for speed and re-trigger.
    Is there a controller in the pipeline? Or a Logic MIDI FX implementation in the works? It would make the software so much easier to use and control...
    It has been an incredible experience to get to know my P600 all over again.It always sounded awesome but it is so much more usable now.
    Congratulations on the patches which are also great.
    It has made me very happy .
    Thank you!

  2. Hi there, thanks for the feedback! It is always nice to hear back from some who's using the firmware. Concerning you points, the bug with the "8" not showing is already noted. As is the request to have the oscillator sync'ed also when no arp/seq is running - I will prioritize this, as it makes a lot of sense. A question, though: when set to "key", does the LFO not re-trigger when played by MIDI?

    I am in contact with some people who wanted to either adapt existing controller software or write new ones, but everyone seems to be busy, so attention is on and off...

    1. when set to "key", does the LFO not re-trigger when played by MIDI? YES.
      I am in contact with some people who wanted to either adapt existing controller software or write new ones, but everyone seems to be busy, so attention is on and off...What could we do to help/entice them? I am offering a week end in a hotel in Rio de Janeiro! (for real).
      All the best to you for the new year!

  3. Hello, thank you for your work. The information is very vague though, do I need to install a new teensy ++ board with Usb or will the 2022 version work just by updating? In gligli 2.0 now

    1. Hi there, thanks for reaching out. The best for you would be to upgrade to v2022 via MIDI using the *.syx Firmware file. If you have never done that before then I would kindly refer you to the manual where the procedure using "SysEx" is described in detail in section 4.9. If you need help please let me know.

  4. Also, I want the original presets and nothing else. It's not easy to understand everything here not being a scientist, I just want to play and have the sequencer function initially so figure I need 2.1 (?) and then also find very clear instructions on how to install

    1. Concerning the instructions for the upgrade see my previous comment. If you are "only" interested in the sequencer function then you can also go for version 2.1 from 2016. The firmware upgrade procedure is the same once you have the *.syx file. In the v2022 firmware the sequencer is the same, i.e. unchanged. With v2022 you do benefit from more functions and some fixes compared to 2.1. In both version you can load the original patch MIDI files. Two remarks on this. First, while the versions support loading the original patches, I found that I wanted to tweak them slightly in the new versions (I would say they are 95% faithfully replicated). Second, about two thirds of the original patches are quite dull to my ears . I would rather go for a selection of the most significant ones. But if it's only the original patches you're after, then go for it :-)

  5. Thank you so much got the v2022 running

  6. Hello again, I don't know if it's me or some bug but the sequencer is acting funny. Most of the time let's say I play a pattern and it plays it back chopped and looped like it's crammed all notes together in one hit, and on very few occasions it seem to function like the original sequencer and it plays back exactly what I played. And the synt has gone to freeze while touching the seq1 button approx 10 times which shouldn't happen. Normal at restart but shouldn't freeze. You know about this? Maybe there is some tweak to do? Have a good day

    1. I haven't experienced anything like this (freezing etc.). What I know is that you can overwhelm the instrument with MIDI data (many notes, modulation CCs, pitch bends). In that case the arp/seq can potentially go into hick-ups. Generally, unison and glide put additional stress on the system. I optimized a lot, so it was much worse in 2.1RC3 and prior versions, but you can still overwhelm the P600 in v2022, but not to the degree you describe. Can you provide more detail on the scenario? Ideally, you create a ticket on GitLab (for which you need an account there, but I think everyone can have an account on GitLab :-)):

  7. it happens quite randomly but only when I try to get the sequencer to work, which it doesn't 99/100 times. I'm thinking there is some bug or maybe there is something I haven't understood. How would you go ahead to make a sequence? The manual doesn't really tell or atleast the sequencer doesn't behave after the given instructions.

  8. It'd be real good if for the next update the sequencer be set back to the original 600 state.

    1. Hi, I have been thinking about this before. I understand that you mean a sequencer that plays back the notes as played (as opposed to fixed quantized), right? This is a very substantial piece of re-programming but certainly worth considering. It would need a change in firmware or hardware, though, since it requires more memory, which is not available at the moment. There are other changes/features which are on halt for similar reasons. So I would put this on the list until either a new hardware solution is found or other ways to extend the memory are found (there are some plans for that, too).

    2. Hey sorry for late reply, yes thank you this is exactly what I mean it’d be ace really

  9. Hello, I just made the last update.Until now I was using the latest firmware version of Gligli (2.0 stable).
    Until now I was using the latest firmware version of Gligli (2.0 stable) and I made a dump of my presets to keep my sounds just before making the update.
    I was happy to see that my presets remained in memory after the update.
    On the other hand, I try to make a dump of my presets with this last version on my computer but nothing seems to be sent?
    I have read the instructions provided with your version but either I did not understand or it does not work...
    Could you describe precisely what you do to dump the presets just after turning on the P600?
    Thanks in advance.

  10. Hi there, thanks for reaching out. Maybe you can write what exactly you did? What should happen (and so far I have not heard otherwise) is: you press "From Tape" and "Record" simultaneously to enter what I called "Patch Management Mode". It is indicated by a flashing "Preset" button. In this mode you can dump single patches (by entering the patch number on the pad) or all patches in memory (by pressing "Preset"). In both cases the display confirms the dump completion with a message. To leave the mode, press "Record". Is any of that happening in your case?

  11. Thank you very much for your quick response.
    The first time I did this, the display was blinking as if all the numbers were scrolling (?) and the computer was not receiving anything (I use the midi-ox software to check the midi info), but pressing the keys on the keyboard was well detected.
    I tried again the combination "from tape" and "record" and I noticed that I had to press preset at least 2 seconds for it to work (probably what I had not done ?).
    So now everything works.
    Thanks again for this firmware evolution which makes the Prophet 600 even more interesting.

  12. I think it would be clearer to write in the instructions:
    press "From Tape" and "Record" simultaneously to enter "Patch Management Mode".
    rather than :
    To enter the patch management mode use Shift Mode or Shift Lock Mode and press the Record button.

  13. There are so many new possibilities with this latest firmware version that it would be great to have an interface and sound library management for this P600 version under Ctrlr (
    I am unfortunately not a programmer, otherwise I would have tried.

    Congratulations again for all these improvements that make me feel like I have a brand new synth that sounds even better

    1. I have discovered that it would very easy to make a crappy looking one in Logic Scripter. I am currently using a 4 faders array that allows me to control and automate any 4 different CC in the Prophet at the same time. It would be very simple to build one with as many parameters as you would like. My Javascript is really useless, but for someone who knows it could be done extremely easily.

  14. Hello again! After a few months of using my GliGli I must say that I thoroughly enjoy it. It brings so much stuff that was desperately needed. Thanks again. I am now quite used to the interface and I think it does a great job with all the limitations of the physical interface you had to deal with. It is very logical and clever. I use a few cheat sheets.

    Now, I am encountering one major problem which is something that would have great value to me. The CC controls are not working properly. It is very erratic and the behaviour is not repeating logically but after a while or right away everything goes crazy and I have to restart the Prophet.

    I am trying to control parameters from logic using different methods : a dedicated fader placed in the environment, a fader using Scripter, automation of the CC, the logic MIDI FX modulator with its LFO and envelop,.... It usually works at first but sooner or later it goes bananas. Making all sorts of noises, often dropping out of preset mode to go live mode, and sometimes crazier stuff with the display showing nonsensical stuff.

    It is such a shame because the possibilities are endless. It would make the 600 almost as powerful as modular but with the possibility of automating, synchronizing and editing everything. It would be amazing.

    It would be possible to create extremely complex behaviors and access parameters not even available in very complex synths.

    Is anyone else experiencing those problems? am I doing something wrong? Any suggestions to help remedy the issue?

    Thanks again for the amazing work. All the best!

    1. Yes, I can confirm that the Continuous Controllers (CC) MIDI side of things is not behaving properly. Try automating CC17 or 20 (Osc Vol A/B) with a slow ramp, they are not working as it ought to be...erratic and unresponsive...and others like the individual waveform toggles in the Oscillator section...on the actual hardware panel things are fine...

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. It seems like the Teensy++ 2.0 is no longer available. Are there alternative boards that can be used to for this upgrade?

  17. Hi friend. First, I want to just say THANK you for somehow managing to make an already amazing upgrade even better. I've read through the entire manual and it's clear how much love that you put into the project. You absolutely saved my neck a few months ago when I needed the sequencer features working for a live show.

    Have you heard of anyone making some kind of knob controller for the upgrade features? I'd like to have some kind of physical interface that would allow me to program the features that currently require use of the number pad. Is there any reason why this wouldn't be possible? I don't know much about MIDI CC programming, but I'd be willing to try.

  18. Hi Sean, many thanks for your warm words :-) I couldn't wish for a better reward than inspiring or just supporting other musicians in what they are doing.

    Concerning the question how to control the menu parameters: all of them are live tweakable using MIDI CC (even though some parameters are split into coarse and fine on different CCs). I personally don't use MIDI extensively. My guess is that you can use any MIDI fader/knob controller which is configurable (i.e. assign CC value to knobs and faders) to control the additional parameters. I should try this myself sometime.

  19. Hi Imogen !!! I just updated your 2022 version !! You did a very good hard work on this version!! Thanks a lot. The Prophet 600 is now a powerful analog synth.

  20. Hi Imogen. I updated to 2022_1 and it has been a good experience so far. It did away with the Gligli PitchBend bug that was present in the RC's from 2015. Very happy!

    1. I have to correct myself upon testing some more features. MIDI CC are not working properly, e.g. CC 17 and 20 and more. [See Anonymous comment up above from February 26, 2024 at 8:50:00 PM]

  21. Hi Imogen,
    THANKS for the huge and awesome work !
    Although I can not witness from my ears since I can not manage to get the sotware working...
    I implemented all the hardware modes, flashed my Teensy (V2022.1 through USB), powered on my P600 and...
    Everything goes fine in the tuning sequence, which got me thrilled and eager, but after the last step (F6), I get stuck with a "6" displayed on the right 7-segment display, "Tune" led still lit, and no sound, no response to a keypad press, nothing but a "6"...
    I tried to reflash (from USB), same result.
    I thought the osc/filters were too far out of tune be software-corrected, so I did the retuning of the P600 (power off, short TP301 to +5V, power on). The tuning adjustment went fine, as explained in your manual, I did manage to get a stable 0 for the 18 steps (A1-A6,B1-B6, F1-F6).
    I powered off the P600, removed the short, and powerd on again... And same result, I get stuck with the "6" displayed after the tuning sequence...
    I tried to crawl through the source code to see what could explain this behaviour, but I'm not a C expert, and I couldn't find a clue...
    As far as I can remember, the P600 I own has had a ROM upgrade (the ROM is tagged Prophet 600 Φ8) Could this be the reason ?
    So any help or advice will be more than welcome !
    Many thanks in advance ;)


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