Prophet 600 firmware upgrade: 2022 beta release is now available
Dear all users of an upgraded Prophet 600, The beta release for the 2022 firmware upgrade is now available! You can download the code and new User Manual here: Release v2022-beta.1 ยท image-et-son/p600fw ( . *** NOTE: this is a beta release and it is therefore not the final release but rather very close to it *** *** NOTE: the code and manuals come with no warranty whatsoever, you carry out updates at your own risk. Always secure patches before updating the firmware. *** Note: in case you're totally new to the GliGli upgrade you would need to modify your Prophet 600. In this case you should consult the documentation provided by GliGli. GliGli's Prophet 600 blog ( My Synthesizer stuff: p600fw ( ) contains the links to the technical manual. If you're already running version 2.0 or version 2.1 RC3 you should be familiar with the upgrade procedure either by USB or by MIDI. Please also refer to the User Manual. If you want to activel...